COMPETITION RULES & SCORING REGISTRATION FORM IN .PDF FORMAT REGISTRATION FORM IN WORD FORMAT FORMS COMPETITION- Men & Women (Boys & Girls) will compete in the same forms divisions, the only separations will be based on age and rank. In the Traditional Forms Divisions each competitor must use a traditional form (hard or soft style) to compete with, in the Free Style Forms Divisions each competitor may use any traditional or nontraditional/creative form to compete with. Free Style competitors may also use music with their performance. If the competitor chooses to use music, he/she is responsible for providing the music and stereo. In the Weapon Forms Divisions each competitor may also use any traditional or nontraditional form with any traditional or nontraditional weapon to compete with. However, if the judges feel the weapon is unsafe or inappropriate, the competitor will either need to fix or change his/her weapon, or the competitor will not be able to compete in the weapons division. Each competitor in all of the forms divisions should inform the judges of his/her name, the martial arts school being represented, his/her instructor's name, and the name of the form to be performed (hard/soft style). For youth (12 & Under) competitors: If a mistake is made during the form, the youth competitor will be given a second chance to start over and try again. For everyone else: If a mistake is made, continue to finish the form to the best of your ability. For all forms divisions there will be three (3) judges judging the division, after each competitor performs his/her form the judges will show their scores. Once all the competitors in the division have performed their forms, the top three scores of the division will be awarded 1st, 2nd, & 3rd place. In the event of a tie for 1st, 2nd, or 3rd place, those competitors who tied will be asked to perform their forms again. Judges scoring will be based on the overall performance and presentation of the form. NOTE: All 1st Place Forms Division winners qualify to compete for the appropriate Forms Grand Championship Award! SPARRING COMPETITION- For youth (12 & Under) boys & girls will be in the same divisions, for everyone 13 & up, males and females will be separated. Each competitor must wear the appropriate sparring attire: head gear, hand gear, foot gear, mouth piece, cup & supporter-(males), shin & forearm guards-(recommended). For all youth (17 & Under) competitors there will be NO head contact! For the adults light head contact will be allowed in the advanced sparring divisions ONLY! For youth (17 & Under), and adult beginner competitors the 2-inch rule will apply.--(If a strike comes within 2 inches of the head and NO contact is made, a point will be awarded.) For ALL sparring divisions the point areas will be the: front of body, side of body, kidneys, and 2-inches or light contact to the head. Illegal areas include: anything below the belt (waist), spine & shoulder blades, and throat. A warning will be awarded for any intentional strikes to the illegal areas, strikes with excessive contact, poor sportsmanship, use of an illegal technique, or if the competitor steps out of the ring. Warnings will be divided into two categories: 1. Illegal Technique Warnings 2. Out of Ring Warnings. After three (3) I.T.Warnings the competitor will be disqualified, after three (3) O.R.Warnings the other competitor will gain a point. At the judges' discretion a competitor may be disqualified at any time during the competition. A disqualification will be recorded as a loss for that match. Legal scoring techniques include: straight & reverse punches, back hands, ridge hands (thumb side of hand), all kicks using the foot as the striking tool, and sweeps to the front leg followed by a legal strike. Illegal scoring techniques include: spinning back hands, knife & open hand strikes, upper cuts, shin & forearm strikes, and knee & elbow strikes. SCORING: All scoring techniques will be awarded 1 point. The person with the most points at the end of the 2-Minute match, or the first person to achieve a five point spread will be declared the winner. In the event of a tie, the competitors will compete in OT for one additional minute. Sudden death (first person to score wins) will take place only in the event of a 2nd tie. NOTE: All 13 & Up, 1st Place Sparring Division Winners qualify to compete for the appropriate Sparring Grand Championship Award! GI & "NO-GI" GRAPPLING COMPETITION- For youth (12 & Under) boys & girls will be in the same divisions, and there will be NO SUBMISSIONS! For everyone 13 & up, males and females will be separated, and SUBMISSIONS WILL BE AN AUTOMATIC WIN!. For all divisions points will be awarded for certain positions and techniques, if no submission occurs at the end of the 3-Minute match (2 Minutes For 12 & Under), the winner will be decided by the total number of points. In the event of a tie the competitors will compete in OT for one additional minute. Sudden death (first person to score wins) will take place only in the event of a 2nd tie. For ALL divisions, a legal submission will be an automatic win. Points will be awarded as follows: throw w/control - 3pts., takedown w/control - 2pts., mount (3 sec.) - 3pts., guard (3 sec.) - 2pts, side mount (3 sec.) - 2 pts., rear guard (3 sec.) - 3pts., escape or counter - 1pt., and submission = WIN! For the 12 & Under divisions, a submission position will be worth one point; this will only apply to certain submissions: arm-bars, shoulder locks, knee-bars, and ankle locks. 12 & Under competitors will not receive points for ANY CHOKE-HOLD POSITIONS! For all divisions, illegal techniques/positions include: neck cranks, toe & finger locks, biting & gouging, kicking & punching, and any other techniques which the judges feel are unsafe or inappropriate. All "Gi" grappling competitors must wear the appropriate attire: complete uniform & belt, mouth piece, and cup & supporter-(males). "No Gi" competitors will be expected to wear grappling attire appropriate for tournament competition; a mouth piece, cup and supporter-(males) are required in the "No Gi" competition. NOTE: All 13 & Up, 1st Place Grappling Division Winners qualify to compete for the appropriate Grappling Grand Championship Award.
Reminder: If the judges feel it is necessary for the fairness, or safety of the competitors, exceptions or changes to the rules may be made with the approval of the division competitors and the tournament promoter. All rules, scoring, and other information will be announced and presented in detail during the rules presentation held at the beginning of the tournament.