Roberts, Deever, Morgan, Cooperman, Stieber, Coleman, Priest on Takedown Radio
Fight Now USA Presents Takedown Wrestling from the Brute studios in Des Moines, Iowa at 1460 KXNO. Takedown Wrestling is brought to you by Kemin Agrifoods! Join Takedown Wrestling Host Scott Casber, Ryan Freeman and Brad Johnson with the Takedown Wrestling Headline News. Listen Saturdays 9 to 11 AM CST/ 10 AM to 12 Noon Eastern. This weeks guests include: Rising MMA Star Jeremiah Deever 9:01 Iowa’s Van Meter HS […]
Wrestling Links (8-1-11)
WWE:Vince McMahon and the 25 Smartest Figures in Wrestling History Bleacher Report I first want to clarify that this is a list of pro wrestling smart figures in history. Which means people who had the right mind in how to run the business and people who came up with the right ideas. And there’s some who knew how long […]