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Political Realist & Combat Veteran Les Rayburn on Fighting Waste and Corruption

Fight News Unlimited Founder “Rabble Rousin’” Rich Bergeron interviewed Les Rayburn recently. Rayburn is a Political Realist and Highly Decorated Combat Veteran serving in every conflict since Vietnam. Rayburn and Rich discussed how the budget and deficit have practically bankrupted America, focusing on Social issues and spending problems that contribute to the problem. Rayburn’s argument […]

Benefit for World Champ: Emile Griffith

By David Pambianchi John Pennisi Illustration of Emile Griffith One of boxing’s “All-Time Greats,” Emile Griffith has been tormented for almost 50 years since regaining the championship from Benny “Kid ” Paret in the brutal 12 round bout that resulted in Benny’s death. Now with only Social Security Benefits to make ends meet, Emile is […]


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