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Golden Girl Set To Transform London’s ‘It Girls’ Into The ‘The Hit Girls’

Posted on | November 29, 2010 | No Comments


The elegant stuccoed Nash houses, of Park Crescent and the other
prestigious neighbourhoods, that edge London’s Regents Park are home to many from the ‘It Girl’ and ‘Ladies that Lunch’ cliques. Not exactly where you would expect the sport of boxing to hold much appeal.

However should female boxer Marianne ‘Golden Girl’ Marston, who has
recently introduced her industry leading Women’s Boxing Classes at the all new boutique style RingTone Health & Fitness Gym in Drummond Street, have her way the society belles of the exclusive NW1 environs will soon become the ‘Hit Girls’ and ‘Ladies that Punch’ and their topic of conversation, over drinks at Quaglino’s, will be on the merits of Grant or Reyes Boxing gloves rather than the latest bag from Gucci or Prada.

“RingTone is more like a private fitness club, but boxing based.”
explained Marianne, “It’s stylish, nothing like a conventional boxing gym,
and has a lively fun atmosphere.

Hopefully this new breed of gym Ben (Day) and Scott (Borthwick) have
created will attract those that wouldn’t have dreamed of going to a boxing gym before.”

Marianne, whose background – private all girl school educated and holding a B.Sc. (Hons) in Microbiology – is far from the pugilistic norm, first created the classes after returning from America in 2009, where she had been training under the guidance of Heavyweight Champion of the World Smokin’ Joe Frazier and Cruiserweight World Champion Steve ‘USS’
Cunningham, having noticed that the only type of boxing fitness programmes being offered to women were of the less effective aerobic ‘Boxercise’ sessions so she decided it was time to create a proper series of true Boxing and Boxing based Fitness classes specifically for Women.

“It’s crazy” Marianne exclaimed, “back in 2008, while I was in full time
training in America with Joe Frazier, I returned to the UK for a month and
tried to find a gym to train at. I was told by many that they don’t train
girls and others, such as All Stars, that they only offer ‘Boxercise’
classes to women.

When I returned home last year things weren’t much better, but I did find a gym I could train at. While I was there I got approached by various women that wanted to do boxing for fitness, so decided to start offering Women’s Boxing Classes.”

The classes Marianne created are far removed from the aerobic ‘Boxercise’ classes offered by most fitness centres and personal trainers. Her classes are the real deal and include many of the conditioning exercises and boxing drills taught to her by her famous mentors in America for her own fight preparations.

“Boxing provides the most effective form of exercise around.” said
Marianne, “The workout is close to 60% Anaerobic, it increases your
metabolism long after you’ve finished exercising.

It ‘s probably the most effective workout for anyone looking to lose
weight and tone up, plus you learn to box. Boxing is also a great way to
relieve the stresses of the day.”

In addition to the Wednesday evening class at RingTone Health & Fitness Gym, Marianne leads her unique series of Women’s Boxing Classes at the Ultrachem TKO Boxing Gym in Canning Town, East London, the Boxing Clinic at The Angel, Islington in North London and the Tokei Gym at London Bridge on the South Bank of the Thames.

For further information on Marianne’s Women’s Boxing and Boxing Fitness
Classes see
