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Posted on | February 3, 2008 | 1 Comment





Tyson Griffon vs. Gleison Tibau – both men come out swinging, a little feeling out but meeting in the center of the ring. Tyson has a feeling out jab working. that’s actually a great technique that so few use. clinched, knees by Griffin. clinched. elbow by Griffon, good kick to the body by Tyson. banging by Tyson. Tyson is bringing it. this sucker is gonna get another fight of the night. Tyson is gonna end up bein the richest man in MMA with all his bonuses if he keeps this up. i don’t think the guy can fight a boring fight…not possible. Tyson banging in the center of the ring and Gleison had enough of it and shoots for a takedown. clinched. great round and great effort from both fighters. Tyson is an exciting fighter. Gleison has a 27-3 record i believe.

rd 2 – Tyson with that feeling out jab again. clinched. exchanging punches in the center of the cage. Gleison gets a takedown on Tyson…looking for Tyson’s back….back to their feet. Tyson has thrown a number of front kicks. big right by Tyson. Tyson wants a KO. nice one by Gleison. leg kick by Tyson, another one. toe to toe exchanges punches and kicks by both over and over. Tyson still using that jab. Gleison gets another takedown but Tyson gets back up.

(Barry Bonds in the house)

rd 3 – Tyson has a win over Urijah Faber adn this fight reminds you why. he’s quick and very good stand up fighter as well as being able to get back to his feet easily. another takedown by Gleison. Tyson back to his feet again…he ate a few on the way up but nothing big. Tyson swinging for the fences. Gleison hits a body shot. Gleison takes him down but Tyson right back up. liver shot by Tyson. Tyson loks like he could take him out here if he keeps it up. nice body shots by Tyson really nice pinpoint accuracy. Rogan says liver shot ala Bas Rutten. foot stomps by Tyson. under a minute left. clinched in the corner. Gleison looking for a takedown. Tyson is brining a tremendous pace. goes to the judges and Tyson is jogging around the ring a couple of times. That dude is in phenomenal shape.

I give this fight EASILY to Tyson Griffin. all 3 judges score it 30-27 Tyson Griffin.

I CANNOT believe there were some booing fans…..I don’t know if they were booing because they gave it to Griffin or if they thought it was boring but that fight was by no means boring. Great fight.

They announced that Cheik Kongo will be facing Heath Herring at UFC 82. That should be a good fight and I think Kongo will rip Herring a new a-hole. Just my opinion.


Ricardo Almeida vs. Rob Yundt

Rob Yundt took this fight on 2 days notice when Alan Belcher got sick. Talk about knowing how to seize an opportunity.

Ricardo has a very quck style, very jumpy. He immediately gets a takedown on Rob. Ricardo got an arm in Guillotine on Yundt, Yundt stands up and does a complete flip to try and get Almeida off but only made it worse and has to tap…….the flip looked nice but did not help. Ricardo Almeida is one of only two people ever to submit Nate Marquardt.

How hard is it to do a flip while someone is hanging on your neck?? Geez….


Nate Marquardt vs. Jeremy Horn

It’s hard to believe these guys have never met. Two of the best submission artists in the game. Horn has over 100 professional fights with less than twenty losses. I’m REALLY looking forward to this fight. This is an awesome match up. Horn is one of the most respected fighters in all of mixed-martial arts. Horn has over 50 wins by submission. If you look at Horn’s physique it is very deceiving compared to most guys in the UFC. He’s not ripped. He has a smooth type build, tall and lanky, not an imposing figure. They clinch in the center. Marquardt takes Jeremy to his back. Marquardt landing some shots from the top. Back to their feet. Jeremy has taken some shots. Heemy went for a takedown but ends up on his back. Nate throws an elbow from the top. Back to their feet. Big knee by Marquardt. Elbow by Nate. I think Jeremy is hurt. He got hit hard. Damn….Jeremy almost had an oma-plata; a very high-skill ju-jitsu submission.

rd 2-Jeremy catches a kick and takes Nate to his back. Looks like Nate is cut over his eye. Back to their feet. Standing Guillotine by Nate Marquardt. It was fast and sick and almost ripped Jeremy’s head off. He had to tap or his neck would have snapped. Damn nasty.


David Heath vs. Tim Boetsch

Good right hand by Tim. Nice kicks by Tim. Tim looking good with nice front kicks and punches to the face. Leg kick by Tim. Tim Boetsh is a Jeet Kun Do practicioner. Another front kick by Boetsch. Big knees by Tim. Tim Boetsch just put a stop to David Heath with one of the most impressive finishes I have ever seen. Boetsch grabbed Heath in a muay-thai clinch and delivered some big knees over and over to Heath’s head then threw him to the ground like a sack of potatoes and rained down punches to the face until the ref had to stop it. Great finish!!


Brock Lesner vs. Frank Mir

Lesner immediately gets a takedown. Lesner hits Mir in the back of the head and gets one point taken away.

They start back in the middle……serious serious ground and pound from Brock…..Mir looks stunned. Mir is looking for submissions…grabs Brocks leg and gets and ankle lock. Lesnar taps. Wow what a great fight. Fast but great. Mir pulled it off man. Brazilian Ju-Jitsu still beats the biggest strongest man because you are putting your strength against a joint.


Tim Sylvia vs. Minotauro Nogueira

They are trading punches. Both are landing but Tim is defintely a better striker. Sylvia knocks Nogueira to the ground. Tim jumps on him but he needs to be careful. Tims tands up and Nogueira is up too. Tim gets him down. Tim with elbows. Tim gets out and stands up. Nog up. Trading punches again. Tim looking good. Nog has got his composure back. Round over.

rd 2- Fighters trade punches and Tim stuffs Nog’s takedown attempts. Tim got that round by a little.

rd 3.-Big right by Tim. Nog pulls guard…flips Tim over and gets Tim in a Guillotine.

Minotauro Nogeira is the new interim UFC Heavyweight Champion.


