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Posted on | February 29, 2008 | 4 Comments




Countdown to UFC 82 —-my thoughts on the big show

by bruceleesreincarnation on Thu Feb 28, 2008 10:25 pm

Well it’s almost time for one of the biggest nights of fights we may ever see….for another month or two. No, seriously this main event is HUGGGEEEE. And this was a pretty good Countdown show which I watched last night on Spike and watched again tonight on MTV 2. The first thing that stands out about the show (cause i just saw the second half tonight) is Heath Herring has a new training camp. Granted, that probably wouldn’t be the first thing to stick out if I hadn’t watched only the last half tonight cause I’ll have to go into my memory bank, not just my real short term memory bank, to recall the rest of the show. However, Herring does have a new training camp and he said he learned a big lesson from not jumping on top of Nogeira and finishing him when he knocked him down with that kick.

Truthfully, he probably wouldn’t have finished him anyway….no one ever has, so maybe he just saved himself even further disappointment by really really trying to finish him and failing. Maybe not…..

So I see Herring’s new dietician making him a nice big pink healthshake and Herring all excited cause he “never really paid much attention to his diet b’fore” and I’m thinking…this is cool. He’s in the UFC now, got some new coaches, eating better….this could be good for him. Then I see the Cheick Kongo part of the show and he’s delivering leg kicks to a bag that would no joke….break a man in half. And so I realize that it doesn’t matter that Herring has swapped his biggie fries for just a large; he’s gonna get killed. Seriously.

Cheick Kongo is training with Roberto what’s-his-name (too late to look it up)….the dude that trains Rampage and now Bisping. They show a clip of Rampage making fun of Cheick Kongo’s French accent…and Roberto what’s-his-name says, “yeah they like to have alot of fun here. And I’ve learned to let that go a little just to loosen up the ties a bit. But then I tighten things up and batten down the hatches when it’s time.” Which leads me to think he puts them dudes through HELL! No FOR REAL. I’ve heard that dude talk about The Will of God and God’s Plan on Earth or some shit and it scared me. And he’s got these crazy eyes with a thousand yard stare. He’s a scary looking little dude if you really pay attention. I bet he’s like a little Hitler. Especially if that short little dude can boss around a big black French guy like Kongo. I’m giving this bout to Kongo all the way!!!

Also on the countdown of course they showed Dan Henderson training and also Anderson Silva because well, because they’re fighting on Saturday so they have to show them. And Henderson still punches hard cause I saw him hit a bag real hard. I’ve also seen the pics of him sleeping in one of those Michael Jackson type oxygen tent thingies up at Big Bear. Which makes me wonder now….how many damn training facilities are up at Big Bear? Or is he schmoozing with Tito?

Oh well…it doesn’t really matter. I have bet on this main event in two different Fantasy Leagues and in them both I have picked Anderson Silva to win by KO (or TKO) in the first round. I think Hendo is gonna try to stand and bang from what he’s saying. And I think Anderson Silva is gonna make him go night-night ala Rich Franklin-style. Just remember who told ya first.


