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Friday Night Fights @ The Cosmopolitan Round by Round Report

Posted on | March 25, 2011 | No Comments


By: Rich Bergeron




Jorge Cordero (4-5, 4 KOs)   vs.  Hylon Williams, Jr. (12-0, 3 KOs)

Round One:

Cordero starts with some jabs. Williams returns fire. Williams lands a good right to the body. Cordero connects with a good jab to the head. Williams works the jab, throws a nice right to the body that lands. Williams is moving well, throwing sparing combos. Cordero is landing some good jabs. Williams lands a nice combo. Cordero is all jab, takes a combo. Williams gets caught against the ropes for a moment, but the ref breaks them. Williams ends the rounds with a couple combinations to the head, but Cordero blocks it all. (10-9, Williams)

Round Two:

Cordero is right back on his jab. Williams lands his own jab and follows up with more punches to the body. Williams lands a right to the body and continues with another flurry. Williams backs Cordero up against the ropes and unloads. Cordero is covering up and not landing much. Williams is landing at will. Williams shoots a nice left hook to the ribs, moves around the ring, lands a huge right hand to the head and follows with a stiff jab to the body. Williams is changing levels, using the ring well, and not getting hit at all. Cordero is not very active at all. Cordero responds late, but it’s not enough. His face is showing the damage. Another round for Williams. (10-9, Williams)

Round Three:

Williams starts getting very aggressive, landing to the body and the head early. Cordero is just taking the punishment, throwing a jab or two here and there. Williams lands a nice left hook to the head. Cordero is only throwing jabs and covering up. Williams is getting on his horse, working combos. Cordero does a dance in the center of the ring and follows up with a low blow when Williams wades in to hit him, which looks to be malicious. The ref takes a point. There’s a bit of blood on Cordero’s nose. Williams goes off and gets Cordero wobbled for a few seconds. Cordero stops the action for a few seconds with another low blow, but this time he gets a warning. (10-8, Williams)

Round Four:

Cordero lands a few jabs to start. Williams works the body with a right, stalking Cordero around the ring. Williams catches Cordero near the corner and begins to unload, most of his punches getting blocked. Just when Cordero starts throwing back and landing well, Williams goes back on the offensive and earns himself another low blow from Cordero that ends the fight.

At 1:22 of Round 4, disqualification winner: WILLIAMS



Frankie Rey Martinez (0-2)    vs.  Puro Pairol (4-0, 1 KO)

Round One:

Both fighters trade left hooks to the body early. Pairol is landing the more accurate shots with right hooks to the head landing hard. He keeps landing a ducking overhand right hook easily, and Martinez is slow to respond. Pairol lands a nice combo, scoring now with the left hook to the head. Another right hook to the head lands hard a few moments later. Martinez lands a nice combo of his own. Pairol is cut open but unloads on Martinez in the corner. Martinez sees the blood and starts landing toward the end of the round. It looks to be a cut opened by way of a headbut from the close fighting. (10-9, Pairol).

Round Two:

Pairol lands a hard right hook early, and another one crashes home a few moments later near the center of the ring. Martinez is landing sloppy counters and Pairol is having a tough time finding his range with anything other than his right hook. Martinez is tying up. Martinez lands a few nice uppercuts and gets a warning for holding the back of the head. Pairol starts working nice combos to the head and the body, winging wild punches and landing some good shots to the head. He connects with a nice left hook before tripping Martinez by accident. He’s a good sport and helps him up before the round ends a moment later. (10-9, Pairol)

Round Three:

Both fighters trade body shots early. Pairol starts landing more to the head. There’s not much on his punches anymore, though. Martinez lands a nice left hook to the head that doesn’t rattle Pairol at all. Pairol starts landing the 1-2 combo. A few hard right hooks from Pairol puts Martinez on the offensive, which just makes Pairol smile. He lands a hard straight right a bit later, gets Martinez against the ropes and tees off to the head and body. Martinez fires back a bit before the brawling tactics lead the referee to call time and issue warnings. Both fighters trade some light head punches, nothing landing solid. Martinez connects with some wild shots near the round’s end.  (10-9, Pairol)

Round Four:

Martinez puts on the jets to start the round. Nothing hurts Pairol, though. He gets aggressive a few moments later, and Martinez steps back and invites him in as he leans on the ropes. Pairol keeps his composure, moving back to the center and trading head shots. He lands a few hard right hooks to the head, and Martinez comes back with one of his own. Martinez takes a few shots and gives even more back, opening up the cut again. Pairol lands a 1-2 and takes some punishment for it. The fight moves back to the center of the ring and Pairol takes over, bulling Martinez into the ropes. Martinez lands a final right hook before the bell sounds. (10-9, Pairol)

DECISION: Unanimous 40-36 For Pairol.



Richard Gutierrez (26-5-1, 16 KOs)    vs.    Yudel Jhonson (9-0, 6 KOs)

Round One:

Gutierrez is throwing good jabs early. Jhonson is biding his time. Jhonson gets some early inside punches in. Gutierrez lands a nice right hand. A brawl breaks out in the center of the ring. Both fighters engage in some awesome exchanges to end the round. (10-9, Jhonson)

Round Two:

Jhonson throwing some jabs to the body, lands a nice left to the head. Gutierrez is working some combos, Jhonson overwhelming him with his own shots. Slow round, but Jhonson gets the edge. (10-9, Jhonson)

Round Three:

Gutierrez is working more to start the round. Gutierrez lands a huge right. Jhonson is trading at the center of the ring with the better shots. Jhonson lands a nice stiff left, follows a bit later with a huge combo. Gutierrez is landing some slick jabs. Jhonson lands a great right hook, follows with a glancing left to the head. Wading in and ducking out well. Jhonson lands a hard low blow uppercut. Jhonson pops Gutierrez with two hard lefts at the end of the round. Gutierrez pays for his smack talk with the second one. (10-9, Jhonson)

Round Four:

Jhonson lands a good right to the head early. He works some combos and gets caught with a counter. The 1-2 hammers home as he moves around to find his angles. The straight left starts working, knocking Gutierrez off balance. Gutierrez lands a jab and a right uppercut. Jhonson catches Gutierrez in the corner with a combo, landing to the head and the body. Gutierrez gets into a grappling match and lands some right uppercuts. Jhonson gets busy at the end of the round and hits the body hard. (10-9, Jhonson)

Round Five:

Gutierrez gets the advantage early until Jhonson starts firing back. Gutierrez gets caught with a couple jabs and a straight left. The fight moves to the center of the ring, Gutierrez lands a glancing uppercut. Moments later Jhonson lands another great head and body combo. Another 1-2 lands from Jhonson after he starts moving around the ring more. Gutierrez catches Jhonson in the corner with some nice inside shots. Jhonson slips and the two go back to the center. Jhonson gets hit with another body shot and gets back to moving more. He engages again and takes an uppercut for his troubles.

Round Six:

Gutierrez is busy early, but he can’t seem to hurt Jhonson. Jhonson is landing more jabs. Jhonson circles around the outside, but he can’t seem to get a rhythm going. He lands a few hard shots in close, then moves out. When it seems like he’s caught in a corner, he fights out with  a hard uppercut to the body. Gutierrez is holding and hitting to the body and head with right hands. Gutierrez lands a hard right hook. Not Jhonson’s best round, but he’s still ahead on points. (10-10)

Round Seven:

Jhonson lands a hard 1-2 and gets caught with a stiff jab. Jhonson lands a buckling straight left, backing Gutierrez against the ropes. Jhonson wades in for the finish and earns what looks to be an over-cautious stoppage. The crowd lets the ref hear it, drowning out the announcer’s reading of the result. Jhonson remains undefeated with the TKO.



Yunier Dorticos (11-0, 11 KOs)    vs.  Jose Luis Herrera (16-10, 16 KOs)

Round One:

Dorticos starts out with a lazy jab, lands some 1-2s. Herrera goes to the body, Dorticos makes him pay. Herrera lands a couple good jabs in some sloppy exchanges. Dorticos keeps the 1-2s coming to back Herrera up, but Herrera comes back with some hard jabs. Dorticos lands a hard right hook to the body. Both fighters end up at center ring with Dorticos getting the better of the exchanges. Dorticos lands a great combo with a thudding right hook to the body and a follow up to the head at the end of the round. (10-9 Dorticos).

Round Two:

Dorticos is all jab to start, lands some uppercuts to the stomach for good measure. Herrera isn’t fighting back much. He gets caught with a vicious exchange from Dorticos against the ropes, escapes for a moment and gets hammered against the ropes again. Dorticos is seizing the advantage after a break due to a low blow. A huge brawl breaks out in the corner, both guys landing hard, but Herrera winds up going down. He gets back up, takes a left and right hook to the head and an uppercut that leads to a referee stoppage. A tad early, but definitely justified.

2:36 of the 2nd: TKO goes to Dorticos.

Erislandy Lara (15-0, 10 KOs)    vs.    Carlos Molina (17-4-1, 5 KOs)

Round One:

Lara lands a hard right to the body early, Molina connects with two left hooks to the body. Lara covers up and takes a combo. Molina lands more hard left hooks, keeping Lara at bay. Lara gets the 1-2s working. Molina fights back. Molina is punishing the ribs with his left hooks to the body. Molina is the aggressor up to the bell, but Lara lands a decent uppercut in the final exchange. (10-9, Molina).

Round Two:

The left hook lands again to the bod from Molina, and Lara comes back with a 1-2 to the head. Lara can’t get any momentum going. Lara catches Molina with a nice left, but Molina smiles and goes back to the hard left hooks to the body. Lara lands some good jabs, a left, and an uppercut. Molina lands a hard right to the body. A brief exchange from Lara puts Molina on the offensive again. (10-9, Molina)

Round Three:

Molina starts off landing some huge hooks to the body. He takes a straight left and backs up a bit. Lara catches him with a right hook to the head, but he’s undaunted. Lara is starting to work the uppercut to the body and head. Molina lands a hard combo to the body. Molina lands a hard right to the body, the ref breaks the fighters, and Molina works the body again. Lara lands some 1-2s and is connecting well but taking twice as many shots as he’s landing. Some of the body shots look to be causing both major frustration and significant damage. Meanwhile Molina’s face is starting to show some wear, and his nose is bleeding slightly. (10-9 Molina)

Round Four:

Lara lands a nice left to the body. Molina catches him in the corner and goes back to the body, but Lara is learning to block with his elbows. Molina punishes the body again and shoots an uppercut through the uprights to the head. Lara is catching Molina to the head again, but Molina is targeting the body well. He’s outpointing Lara in every exchange. Another nice toe to toe brawl ends the round. (10-9, Molina)

Round Five:

Lara lands a huge left hook to rattle Molina, but Molina is still fighting hard. He gets backed up into the ropes and hit with a few glancing blows but fights off Lara’s attack and starts landing his own big bombs. Lara is starting to find his range and land. The straight left is connecting. Lara lands a couple great head shots and Molina responds to the body. Lara is moving well, and he lands a nice jab before a sloppy exchange ends the round. (10-9, Lara)

Round Six:

Lara lands a straight left and then gets popped in the body hard. Lara is catching Molina with 1-2s. Molina’s punches are getting more sloppy, and Lara’s blocking better now. Lara is landing more now to the head. Molina starts getting more aggressive and catches Lara in the corner with some body shots and an uppercut to the head. Molina steals the round with a huge attack in the corner with Lara only landing one right hook to about 7 hard punches from Molina. (10-9, Molina)

Round Seven:

Lara goes back to the straight left, backing Molina up. Molina lands a hard right to the body. Lara connects with a right hook. Both go toe to toe in the center of the ring. Lara moves back against the ropes and lands a hard right hook to the head. Molina lands a nice left hook. Moments later he lands a hard right to the head. He goes back to the body and wins the exchange. Molina bulls Lara into the corner to finish the round. (10-9, Molina)

Round Eight:

Molina lands another left hook to the body, gets caught with a right to the head a few seconds later. Lara’s punches aren’t landing with as much frequency. Molina’s landing the much harder body shots. Lara’s working the jab and the 1-2s. Lara lands a hard uppercut. Molina responds and takes a right hook to the head. Molina is sticking to the body shots again, getting hit to the head as he comes in. Molina ends the round with another aggressive attack to the crowd chanting “Mexico.” (10-9 Lara)

Round Nine:

The round starts with some toe to toe brawling at the center of the ring. Lara’s head shots open up a cut under Molina’s right eye. Lara lands a nice uppercut to the body. He’s also landing some good 1-2s. Lara connects with more 1-2s, Molina fakes being hurt. Lara’s straight left is catching Molina sleeping. (10-9, Lara)

Round 10:

Molina lands the hardest shot in the first exchange, a left hook to the head. Lara goes back to the 1-2. Another hard left hook lands to Lara’s head. Lara lands a nice right hook, and a left hook lands a moment later, but nothing is hurting Molina. Molina lands a hard right to the head. A left hook to the body and a right to the head follows it up. Lara goes back to the 1-2 with some success. Molina smothers Lara with ten seconds left to seal the win. (10-10)

OFFICIAL DECISION: 95-95 x2 and 97-3 Molina makes this one a majority draw.

Rances Barthelemy (10-0, 8 KOs)   vs.    James Hope (6-6-1, 4 KOs)

Round One:

Hope is getting overwhelmed with the vicious, speedy attack of Barthelemy. Hope is still hanging in, though. A hard left hook to the head at the end of the round wobbles Hope, but he’s still game.

Round Two:

Hope is more aggressive this round. He’s catching Barthelemy with the harder shots early, but Barthelemy gets control again and lands some hard head and body blows. A left hook to the head followed by a right hook to the head hurts Hope. Bathelemy takes the round.

Round Three:

Hope is covering up and getting hit more than he’s throwing his own shots. Hope is getting completely overmatched. He’s still exchanging, though, right up to the bell.

Round Four:

Hope works the jab well to start the round. Hope is doing well to push Barthelemy back this round. Barthelemy’s shots are landing late in the round, but they aren’t doing much damage until some thudding blows lead the ref to stop the match with Hope still standing. (Editor’s Note: it’s the same ref as the Gutierrez fight).



Hiromitsu Miura (5-0, 3 KOs)   vs.    Todd Manuel  (4-0)

Round One:

Manuel sticks the jab early, moves around the whole ring. Miura is stalking Manuel, working the jab and the 1-2 combo. Manuel’s landing the better jab. Miura’s landing to the body more than the head. Miura lands a hard left hook to the head. Manuel is beating Miura to the jab, lands a nice 102 near the round’s end.

Round Two:

Manuel starts off with some good jabs, but Miura catches him with a combo in close. Miura lands a hard left hook that rattles Manuel. He takes a hard right hook moments later. Miura’s landing his jab now, but Manuel’s not backing off. Miura catches him in the corner and tees off for a few seconds. Manuel gets caught with a nice combo attack from Miura to end the round.

Round Three:

Manuel gets caught with a nice left hook, but he’s throwing back. Miura’s taking advantage of Manuel’s low hands. Miura lands a left hook. Miura traps Manuel up against the ropes and goes to work. Manuel lands a nice exchange, waits a moment and lands a shooting uppercut to the head. He connects later with a hard right to the body. They exchange hard hooks to end the round.

Round Four:

A huge attack early from Miura nearly knocks Manuel’s mouthpiece out. Manuel’s landing counters but fading. He spits out his mouthpiece during a heated advance from Miura. Both fighters go toe to toe, but Miura gets the better shots in. Miura pushes Manuel back into the ropes with combos, but Manuel is holding his own with hooks and uppercuts to the head.

Round Five:

Manuel comes out at a fast pace, throwing bombs with wild abandon. Miura has a tough time fighting him off and gets caught with a really hard right hook. Some sloppy exchanges seem to favor Miura, who bulls Manuel into the corner. Manuel’s landing but not hurting Miura with anything.

Round Six:

A furious brawl starts the round with both fighters landing some hard hooks to the head. Manuel is landing some hard body and head shots. Miura is losing steam. Miura’s coming in with his head down, and Manuel’s trying to hit him with uppercuts. Manuel lands a nice uppercut countered by a Miura hook to the head. The fight ends with Miura going for one last haymaker and missing.

DECISION: 58-56, 59-55 x2 For Miura



