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Posted on | April 29, 2008 | 2 Comments


By: Jack Bratcher:


Not only am an MMA junkie but a video game afficianado as well. So I was at the midnight release picking up my Grand Theft Auto IV game for the XBOX 360 last night. I have a PS3 but decided to go with the 360 version for the achievements. I got the collector’s edition which came with a GTA IV duffle bag, metal lock box, Rockstar key chain, art book and a GTA IV music cd.

So I get home pop in my new game like a kid on Christmas morning. One of the first things you do in Grand Theft Auto games is you go to your home, hideout, apartment, safe house, or whatever you want to call it. But this is your home base to start out. You can sleep, eat, store weapons, and change clothes there. And you have a TV. So I’m sitting there in my new pad so I turn on the TV, flip through a few channels and low and behold I hear a very familiar voice coming out of this bald-headed figure on the tube.

It’s a show called Bas and Jeremy. It even uses his real name, “Bas Rutten”. The show is a type of “Man Show” where they show you different self-defense techniques, relationship advice, and other manly stuff. The character modeled on Bas looks great. Basically it looks like a younger, little bit beefier Bas Rutten. But let me tell you, this is some of the funniest stuff I have ever seen in my life. Bas is in rare form. It’s like Bas Rutten on cocaine and steroids times ten. I wish I could convey to you just how hilarious Bas is on here. He’s very animated, very aggressive, very over-the-top, and very violently descriptive in his self-defense techniques.

His co-host on this show is a timid sensitive type of guy and Bas will hardly let him get a word in. Bas uses him to show you how to stab people in the eye with pencil and other self-defense techniques. I was supposed to be playing this great new video game that I had been waiting all year for, but when I saw Bas Rutten on my in-game TV and how funny it was I had to sit there and watch the whole show just like it was real life. It’s a very surrealistic experience to be playing a character in a video game and sitting down with that character and watching an entire TV program within that game just like it was real life. It’s especially surrealistic when you’re watching a TV program starring one of your all-time favorite MMA fighters.

What makes it really cool is that anytime I want to watch the show I can go back into my safe house and watch Bas again. I’m not sure yet if they have different episodes. I can only hope. It’s little details like that which make this game truly incredible. I played the game for a couple of hours last night and so far it’s definitely the best GTA experience to date. The attention to detail and perfection in the game is astounding.

Liberty City is more realistic and better than ever as a real life metropolis. And also you get online play this time with Grand Theft Auto IV; now only if I can get Bas Rutten to be on my XBOX Live friends’ list and actually get to play with Bas in Grand Theft Auto, my life will be fulfilled! Get this game, kick back in your new pad, and watch some Bas Rutten self-defense techniques! You’ll be a better man(or woman) for it!

This video will give you a great idea of what Bas Rutten’s character in Grand Theft Auto IV is like. Imagine Bas’s personality in this video times ten and you’ll get a good idea of what he’s like in the game:

BAS RUTTEN/GRAND THEFT AUTO IV GALLERY (click on the thumbnails to see the full size images):



