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Posted on | May 1, 2008 | 1 Comment


Dante Rivera Takes on Brandon Sene in 3-round Week 5 finale

By: Jack Bratcher



In pre-fight shenanigans there’s a fighter named Jeremy May who is on team Rampage who puts some lemon juice in Matt Brown’s dip. Brown finds out, gets pissed and promises him they will fight in the Octagon when the time comes. Brown is on team Forrest.

Brandon Sene vs. Dante Rivera

Fight is starting early tonight. Not even 9:30pm CST yet. Must be a long fight or something happens afterwards. Clinched against the cage, Dante gets the takedown. Side control for Dante. Back to their feet. Wild punch from Danted; clinched again. knees from Brandon. Clinched agianst the cage. Shots to the body from Brandon. Couple of knees from Dante is the only strikes he’s landed. Dante has body control trying for a takedown still has his arms around Brandon. Ref finally splits them up. Dante’s hands are down. Throws another wild punch then goes for the clinch looking for takedown….gets a big slam on Brandon. Punches and elbows from the bottom by Brandon. Dante is in Brandon’s gaurd but doing nothing. Dante looks for a leg lock, Brandon gets out. Dante has not thrown one punch while he had Brandon down. Not one punch. Forrest tells Dante he won the round. Maybe because of that big slam but that’s all he did. But he did have ring control so it was very close round with neither fighter landing anything of real significance.

Round 2 starts and the fighters immediately clinch. Up against the cage with Dante having double underhooks. Finally Dante gets a takedown just as the referee is about to split them up. The ref lets it go though cause he got the takedown. So Dante is on top again but he’s not doing anything. Brandon throws strikes from the bottom then makes it back to his feet. Dante is primarily a ju-jitsu fighter so as he gets another takedown now we see Brandon still throwing strikes from the bottom. Dante throws one or two punches which are the first I’ve seen him throw on the ground in the fight. I assume he’s looking for a submission but with no success because for one thing he never actively starts any submission technique. Brandon reverses and gets top position and starts landing some strikes.

The coaches and other fighters each tell their fighter that they won but it will probably go into overtime. Over time would make sense since the fight started early. Previews showed a decision in this fight that I believe Rampage is very unhappy with so they may just give this fight to Dante and if that is the deal I would be pissed too I guess cause the guy had a slam and some takedowns and he had Octagon control was all he had. But I guess Brandon through more strikes but all of them pretty much were while he was on the bottom with Dante on top of him. Either that or with Dante controlling him in the clinch.

Ok third round. So it’s a tie right now. Ref tells the fighter that the winner of this round wins the fight. Dante throws a couple of strikes and knees then clinches up. Ref splits them up. Brandon throws a big overhand right that hits it looks like Dante’s shoulder. They clinch and Dante takes him down. Dante is in his gaurd now. Brandon is very busy from the bottom. Dante is trying to pass and gets side control. Dante with knees to the body. I really don’t understand why Dante isn’t throwing more punches from the top except that Brandon is holding his hands part of the time. Dante does land a few more knees to the body. I can see the judges giving this to Dante because he maintained control and did land somd ground and pound. Not the most exciting fight but they can’t all be Griffin vs. Bonnar. They give the decision to Dante Rivera.

There’s a blurb of Dana saying, “Neither one of these guys have me saying, thank God we have these guys in the UFC.”

Rampage is pissed. He’s throwing stuff, then walks outside. He knocks over a sign outside. He says he used to go to anger management. Rampage, Brandon’s coaches, teammates, and even Dana White said Brandon won. But they aren’t the judges. It was not very controversial in my opinion. Not a big deal.

Next weeks fight is Matt Brown vs. Jeremy May. Forrest says, “one thing you do not do to a Southern Man is put lemon juice in his tobacco.” Which is exactly what May did to Brown. So Brown picked him. One of Brown’s teammates picked him to win the fight next week by….”murder.” Can’t wait for that one!


