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Posted on | May 12, 2008 | No Comments


The greatest Open Tournament in the world. This is the Marathon!

Life is beautiful and often run over the fantasy.

It is incredible but this year we are ready to start with the Marathon Movie production. Nothing is impossible now!

It will be a reality movie: 8 actors, 8 lucky athletes chosen by 8 different martial arts styles, Karate, Kickboxing, Kung Fu, Taekwondo, Aikido, Kobudo, Iaido, Tai Chi coming from 8 different countries: Italy, Spain, England, Ireland, Ukraine, Russia, Egypt, France.

The aim is to show different martial arts styles and different way to live the martial arts in the world.

The protagonists will be chosen by the management production after hard selections and by WTKA Federation considering the results obtained during the last World Championships.Every protagonist will be different from the others with different behaviours and different ways to live their martial arts world.

We want different personalities to create a mixed martial arts ambient.

Really this is a fantastic thing for everybody, doesn’t happen every day to be chosen for a movie.

I never forgot the faces of the guys when we said them: “you will be one of the protagonists”.

8 Cameramen are ready to follow these athletes 24 hours each day for 3 days in their countries in their houses. To bring everything of their life to show the behaviours, the emotions, the training, their families, friends, girlfriends, boyfriends. Every aspect of the human behaviours and their emotions. This is the aim of the movie.

Then the Cameramen will follow them when they will leave their countries to attend the Marathon, when they will arrive in Italy, their stay in Italy and above all when they will compete at the Marathon.

It will be a movie based over the protagonists dreams, emotions, life, aspirations, fears, enthusiasms.

We would like to show the soul of these martial artists as an anthem to the life and to the Martial arts world.

This movie will be so important for the Martial Arts. Everyone watching the movie will know the real life of the martial arts movement in the world.

Martial art means richness, legend, love and poetry, and all protagonists will show these values to all spectators.

So be ready dear friends because the movie production will be present also during the Marathon.

The Cameramen will be inside the sport hall to catch the most beautiful scenes of the Marathon: the Opening Ceremony, the Competitions, Exhibition Tournament, Miss WTKA, and the Finals.

It will be fantastic believe us, another great occasion to live together this incredible Tournament and this incredible WTKA Movement: the greatest in the world.
