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Pro Wrestling Personality Story on National News Wire

Posted on | August 6, 2011 | No Comments


(Tampa, FL) – Pro Wrestling Ring Announcer, EA Sports MMA Announcer and Hollywood Reporter known as “Mr. Hollywood” Shannon Rose gave an exclusive interview with NewsBlaze a National News Wire about his ability to overcome the odds of a disease to become a sheer success.


The exclusive story can be viewed at


From birth Rose suffered from an incurable disease that is often undiagnosed called EDS (Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome). EDS is a collagen mutation that causes hyper-extensive joints, paralysis and muscle weakness.


There are 6 forms of the disease, all of which are life threatening if untreated, but some are fatal. Rose suffers from type 3.


Rose discusses in this exclusive story his experiences with the doctors, the painful tests he had to endure and still endures to this day, as well as the disease itself. He also discusses his life in and out of hospitals from early childhood on and how it impacted his school, friends and his ability to socialize growing up.


At the age of 12 Rose lost the use of both arms due to paralysis and his voice for a year. However with his will to succeed and a wish granted by the Make-A-Wish Foundation, he was introduced to a career that would soon lead him to his dream to appear on a World Stage.


Despite the obstacles, Rose managed to overcome the odds and fight to succeed.


The article discusses his many successes within the community and on a national level from awards and recognition to his successful “Rose Hollywood Report” which made him the Official Hollywood Reporter for “The Mancow Experience”.


“My goal is to educate the world about EDS to spark further research and maybe help people recognize the symptoms in order to get checked. I also want to use my life as an example for others to follow, showing everyone you can succeed if you never say NO” says Rose.


His inspirational story has touched the lives of people everywhere, and now it can be found world wide by visiting


For more information about Shannon Rose visit


For more information about “The Rose Hollywood Report” visit

