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Posted on | August 6, 2008 | No Comments


August 5, 2008 – Mexico City.

From WBC President Jose Sulaiman:

I am very sad to report the passing away of the great Mexican fighter Bernabe “Baby” Vazquez and of Mr. Ray Hawkins, a boxing judge from Texas.

“Baby”Vazquez, who was very close to me, must be considered as one of the greatest Mexican boxers of all times.

Mr. Ray Hawkins, a formidable human being who served as a ring official for the state of Texas, was without a doubt one of the best judges in the world.

The WBC declares a Day of Mourning for these sad happenings.

It has been a very difficult time, as the boxing family has lost several dear members in the recent weeks: Mr. Carlos Trapaga, the CEO of the newspaper Esto, who fought relentlessly to keep space for boxing news; Mrs. Thangarajah, wife of WBC Board member Edward Thangarajah, passed away in London; Mate Parlov, a great former champion passed away in Croatia; “Baby” Vazquez, and yesterday our dear Ray Hawkins.

May God keep them all in peace.
