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Posted on | June 27, 2007 | 1 Comment


XCF “Belt Town Battle” June 16th @ the Laramar Ballroom Ft. Dodge, Iowa

By: Joe Ball

It looked to be a promising night of great fights, and it was! Shortly
after the event began the air conditioning in the Laramar Ballroom gave
out, but the heat didn’t seem to bother the fighters. They turned up the
action higher than the temperature and brought their best game to the
cage. The crowd was into every fight. The match of the night going to
Tonia Wolfe vs. Sarah Wilson for their 9 minute war. There was nothing
left to the imagination during this bout leaving the crowd on their
feet. The room was thick with applause for these 2 warriors!


Fight 1

Mike Ayers (Team Revolution) vs Ryan Stanek (Ames Fight Club)

Round 1
Ayers starts out the fight with nice low kicks to the legs of Stanek. Standing up, Ayers is getting the best strikes and throws a kick that Stanek catches, who mounts Ayers and starts throwing bombs from the mounted position. Stanek is putting dents in Ayers game on the ground and on the feet. Dropped by Stanek midway through round one, Stanek gets to his feet. Tired out from the low kicks of Stanek, Ayers left leg swells horribly.

Round 2
Great heart shown by Ayers fighting tired and injured the action slowed a little bit, but Stanek has scored more strikes, while controlling the tempo of the fight. Take down by Ayers who rests in side mount but gets reversed by Stanek who finishes the fight from the side mount with hammer fists and straight punches.

Winner by TAPOUT Ryan Stanek of Ames Fight Club at 2:31 of Round number 2!!

Fight 2

Johnie Prather vs Steve Roy

Round 1
Straight kick by Prather that knocks down Roy. Roy is quickly K.O.ed by Johnie Prather in 7seconds into round 1.

Fight 3

Ty Blair vs Chris Perez Van Dame (Des Moines Extreme Fight Team)

Round 1
Van Dame begins the fight with a flying knee, caught by Blair who looks for the double and gets it. Van Dame quickly reverses it, but eats some hammer fists and then gets into Blair’s full guard. One more knee by Van Dame, Blair gets a take down and moves quickly onto the side mount of Van Dame. Van Dame does good working from the guard, and stops Blair from delevering anything effective. The fighters are reset on their feet, and Blair gets up to land a huge blow to the downed head of Van Dame. More Greco on the fence with Van Dame getting the take down but falls into Blair’s full guard.

Round 2
The fighters begin by touching gloves. They then swing for the fences. They engage with Van Dame dropping into side mount over Blair who moves to half guard, but gets reversed. Van Dame looking hard for some great pounding while he is mounting Blair. Blair is doing nothing but holding on at this point. Blocking few, but then powers up to reverse Van Dame. Great heart and determination by these fighters. Again teeing off with punches on their feet more Greco off the fence, these guys are defining relentless. Van Dame tries a flying knee but is countered by Blair with a big overhand right to get the K.O.

Winner by K.O. Ty Blair

Fight 4

Jamie Harrington (Team Brawler) vs T.J. O’Brien (Team Revolution)

Round 1
Harrington has a HUGE Matt Hughes style takedown. O’Brien lands a solid leg kick. The fight then goes to the ground and Harrington who couldn’t hold on to the slick Jui jitsu of O’Brien. Harrington then gets caught in a triangle choke and is forced to tap briefly into round one.

Winner by Tapout T.J. O’Brien

Fight 5

Matt Johnson (Team Fury) vs. Joe Lawyer (Des Moines Mixed Martial Arts Academy)

Round 1
Lawyer began the fight all buiseness, with some nice knees. The fight then goes to the ground, where Lawyler was able to gain the Guiatiene, only to be broken by Johnson. So far they have shown some good grappling and good technique early into round one. Lawyler tries, and gets, the mount and immediatly reins down punches with precision to win the fight by referee stoppage.

Winner by Tapout due to strikes at 2:22 in Round 1 JOE LAWYLER of D.M.M.M.A.A.

Fight 6

Tyler Anderson (4 – 4 – 0) vs. Aaron Doll (1 – 0)

The crowd favorite Anderson, gets a huge round of applause as he makes his way into the cage.

Round 1
They touch gloves at the beginning of the fight. Then immediately begin striking with bad intentions. Anderson gets the back of Doll on the feet, and takes him down with a head lock takedown. Doll then reverses and gains the north south while they struggle for position. Back on their feet, Anderson lands a solid left and then slams Doll on the ground, mounting him quickly. Ground and pounding is the name of his game. After a moment of wrestling, Anderson secures and arm bar over Doll who would not tap to this submission attempt. While he threw knees, his arm was still being wrenched in the arm bar, ending round one.

Looking at Anderson in his corner, you can tell he can’t catch his air.

Round 2
Winner – Aaron Doll due to the other fighter not being able to answer the bell to fight.

Fight 7

Micah Bowels (2 – 6 – 0 ISU Kickboxing Club) vs. Tom Ahrens (2 – 2 – 0 Team Intensity)

The crowd chanting loudly “To the Top” in honor of Tom Ahrens

Round 1
Fighters touch gloves, Ahrens gets the takedown immediately and crawls into the open guard of Bowels. Fighters reset. Back on their feet, Ahrens gets the sweep, once again on the ground he gains the back of Bowels where he makes him pay with a rear naked choke to win the fight IMPRESSIVELY!!!

Winner by Submission/ Rear naked choke at 1:24 into Round One TOM AHRENS

Ahrens was very graceful in victory, embracing his opponent after the fight, and thanking his fans.

Fight 8

Shanda Konvalinka (Team BAMF) vs Nikki Schroeder

Nikki Schroeders Debut fight!
Previous to this fight, Shanda Konvalinka has had 2 months experiance with Midwest MMA

Round 1
Both these warriors go all out leaving nothing to the imagination; knees, punches, Greco, and great clench work all in the first 25 seconds of this fight. Both these young fighters definitely came to fight. Just when you can’t tell who is getting the better of their opponent, Konvalinka lands a big right and follows up with more of the same to end the fight.

Winner by strikes at 1:17 in round one Shyanda Konvalinka

Fight 9

Jesse Wilson (5 – 0 -0 ) vs Jason Shoemaker of the Boji Battlers (4 – 4 – 0)

Round 1
Wilson with his big knees and punches, knocks down Shoemaker, quickly mounts him and doesn’t stop until he forces Shoemaker to give up his back and tap.

Winner by tapout due to strikes Jesse Wilson

Fight 10
Runner Up for fight of the night

Nick Walker ( Des Moines Extreme Fight Team ) vs Paul Bird (Des Moines Mixed Martial Arts Academy)

Round one
The fight starts off with a good low kick, and a big left by Bird, who scores on every attempt. With Walker countering well and trying to guage the range of the bigger Bird. Precission, accuracy shown by Bird in his kicks to the leg of Walker. Bird gets a double and falls into the closed guard of Walker where he works with his elbows. Walker trying to iniciate the sweep. Walker proves to be a more than worthy opponent, on the ground or standing up, but is catching big elbows to the face and sports a red mark on his left leg which proves the power in striking the Bird posses.

Round two
Walker opens up his arsenol, overwhelming Bird with leg kicks, punches, and excellent grappling, and wins the fight due to strikes to the leg of Bird.

Winner by Tapout due to strikes NICK WALKER

Fight 11

Duran Barlow (10 – 3 – 0) vs. Tyson Kaminska (2 – 2 – 0) fighting out of Team Brawler

Round one
Kaminska gets the takedown and falls into the guard of Barlow, and taps due to a Guilatuine with a body lock.

Winner by tapout Duran Barlow

Fight 12

Dave Wunder (Team Brawler 0 – 2 – 0) vs Josh Meeks (Debut Fight)

Round one
Early knockdown scored by Meeks. Back on their feet again, then end up trading blows that winds up costing Meeks big. Wunder mounts and punishes Meeks with hard strikes from the top to force Meeks to tap due to strikes halfway through round one.

Winner by tapout due to strikes DAVE WUNDER

Fight 13

Khid Bunpan vs. Jon Swanberg

Round one
Swanberg catches the knee of Bunpan in midair and gets a nice takedown to gain full mount. With vicious elbows and bad intentions he more than punishes Bunpan into tapping.


Fight 14

Tonia Wolfe vs. Sarah Wilson (1 – 0 – 0)

Round one
Wilson opens things up with some good Muay tai but then the fight slows to a stop. The referee resets the fighters. Wilson throws some good jabs, but a body lock takedown by Wolfe changes things. Only to be reversed by Wilson, who immediatly gets side mount, only to be reversed again by Wolfe, who can’t do much in the closed guard by Wilson. The definate reach advantage goes to the taller Wilson.

Round two
Wilson begins round two with three great jabs but winds up on the ground underneath Wolfe. Wilson is having a hard time handling the energized and very game, Wolfe. A triangle attempt by Wilson, and a lot of determination on the part of Wolfe pays off in not submitting to the triangle attempt by Wilson.

Round threee
Kicks, punches landing by Wilson, who looks to be controlling the fight in the third. Great action by both fighters, power punches and feirce kicks land freely on both combatants.

Winner by Unanimous Desicion SARAH WILSON

Fight 15

Donnie Nordstorm (10 – 7- 0) out of Team BAMF vs. Mateo “the rock” Young (5 -3 – 0) out of Team Rage

Round one
Nordstorm with an early takedown winds up on top in the full guard of Young. Busy from the top with elbows while thwarting an early triangle attempt from Young he stays busy with body shots to Young. Nordstorm breaks guard to gain sidemount possision and then his back to win by tapout halfway through round one.

