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Posted on | July 7, 2007 | No Comments




By: Patrick McElligot

Because my son Darren was in college for the spring semester, I was not able to be in the gym with him much as he prepared for the Golden Gloves. There were a few weekends when he traveled back to use our gym, but most of the time, he trained at school or in one of the local gyms.

I am physically disabled, due to injuries sustained in an automobile accident, and thus limited in my ability to travel. So we were generally restricted to phone conversations and e-mails.

The situation reminded me of a generation before, when Rubin “Hurricane” Carter would help me prepare for fights. He was incarcerated in New Jersey, and I was training in upstate New York. Thus, our communications were limited to letters and cassette tapes. One evening, as I looked through some of the letters from Rubin, I found something that I sent along to Darren and the athletes that he was training with. Some were boxers, and others were involved in MMA. But they all liked this, and I’ll share it here, in hopes that readers enjoy it, too. It is from a letter dated September 27, 1973, 3:35 pm.

“Get into the habit of tucking your chin into your chest. Squat. Get down low. Put your entire weight behind each punch. When you jab – shift your weight to your left foot – your right foot is only there to balance you.

“Whenever you begin your attacks, your weight should always be on your front foot. But when you retreat – always do so in a crouch, with your weight shifted to both of your feet for smoother movements. Never back straight up! Always side-to-side – always looking for that opening to start your attack again.

“Remember: the best defense is a helluva offense, and catching your opponent coming into your strength will always result in that man being hurt.

“Be relaxed – always think relaxed, and you’ll never get tired. Stick that jab – stick that jab – stick that jab – stick that jab …. Until it becomes part of your every move …. Stick that jab – stick that jab! And you’ll find that you’re doing it and don’t even know it. That’s what instincts are all about. Can you dig it?

“Even as you read this letter, the rhythm should show you what I’m talking about – stick that jab – stick that jab – stick that jab!”
