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5th – 8th NOVEMBER 2009





1. Whatís the timetable to physically get to the Championships?

You must get there on Tuesday 3rd or Wednesday 4th November at latest in order to register for the competitions, get passes (coaches, competitors and followers), get hotelsí voucher, have a medical, make the weigh-in and sort out insurance (which is compulsory).

Competitions starts on Thursday 5th right after the Opening Ceremony.

2. Where does World Championships and Martial Marathon take place?

World Championships and Martial Marathon take place in Italy, in Marina di Carrara (Tuscany). Set on a beautiful position between marble queries in the mountains and the blue sea, itís an ideal base for a fantastic holiday, and not far from world famous sites such as Florence, Pisa, Lucca, etc. (30 minutes, 1 hour away).

3. Are there places to be visited close to the World Championships?

Plenty of things to see during your stay in the area. For example Luni, only 10 minutes away, offers you the ancient amphitheatre and the Roman Museum (Luni was the Roman port where marble was shipped all over the empire). You can also take the ìwine roadî that brings you along the Candia hills behind the town to the various ìcantinasî where wine is being produced; you can have a go at wine tasting and some very tasty snacks in a idyllic atmosphere.

Then you should not miss the chance to visit some coastal villages such as Lerici, Tellaro, on the closed side of the La Spezia Gulf, and a bit further, past La Spezia, the world famous Portovenere and Cinque Terre (UNESCO World Heritage), medieval villages on the sea, where time seems to have stopped in some enchanting surroundings going inland, you can visit Lunigiana, with its 100 castles from Middle age heritage…and much more, you can have more details on the website LOCATION section.


4. Where exactly is the venue of competitions and is it where hotel and competition registrations take place?

Everything takes place in CARRARAFIERE complex, a massive venue in Marina di Carrara, Viale Colombo, 1 km west (towards sea) off the Carrara exit of Genova-Livorno motorway.

You should enter through the main entrance number 5 (on Via Maestri del Marmo road). There you will find the Administration and you will sort out the registration, medicals, hotel accommodation and weight in room.

5. Timetable for registration and accommodation?

The Administrative Office will be open on Tuesday 3rd and Wednesday 4th from 08.00 ñ 20.00

6. Where is the CARRARAFIERE complex venue of World Championships?

See question 4. Anyway you will find it on the website too LOCATION section.

7. When does World Championships start? What time do we have to be there?

Competitions start on Thursday 5th at 11.00 hours after the Opening Ceremony. Every Delegation have to be there at 08.00 in the morning to attend the Opening Ceremony one of the greatest moment of the World Championships organizes in Olympic style.

8. Is it possible to sort the registration etc. stuff on the same day of the start of World Championships the Thursday 5th?

Not at all. You must register up to the day before to participate to the competitions (offices will be closed on the 4th).

9. How do I register?

You should get into the website ENTRY FORM section. Download the application from the ìENTRY FORMî, fill it, sign it and fax or e-mail it to 0039 0585 240851 or 0039 0585 869306 or

Any queries you contact Staff on telephone: 0039 0585 861280 or 0039 0585 240851 ñ 0039 339 4117737 or send an e-mail to

Please make sure, when filling the application, to put exactly codes numbers of the competitions you are interested in. The codes can be found in the website ENTRY FORM SECTION ñ CLASSES & CATEGORIES -. A number corresponds to every category; foe example: Point Fighting/Semi Contact category cadets boys age 13-14-15 open -57 kg is a 315 code number. You just fill the application with name, surname, date of birth and code 315, in this case, and thatís it.

You do not have to write the specialty. If you want participate in more than 1 specialty (division) you can write the different specialty codes.

10. How many applications do I have to fill?

1 for registration, 1 for self declaration that you have valid medical and insurance certificates.

In the case of under aged participants, you need a declaration of parental authorization.

Every national delegation Chief has to fill its own particular application in which declare that all members of his delegation have valid medical and insurance certificates.

All the modules can be downloaded from the ENTRY FORM section on our website.

Any problem you may have do not hesitate to contact us by phone, fax or e-mail.

11. I do not belong to any Official Federation. Can I participate to the Event?

Yes, of course. Ours is an Open Event, anybody can participate, whether he/she is registered or not to any martial arts federation. The only requisite is a valid medical and insurance certificate.

12. I do not have an insurance certificate. Can I get it there?

We would strongly recommend you to have one before you get here. But yes, you would have to purchase one at the Administration Office in the venue, when you are registering, at the cost of 10 (ten) euros. No one is admitted to compete without a valid insurance certificate.

13. What type of insurance is it?

It is the Asi (Italian Sport Promotion Institution recognized by Italian Olympic Committee we are collaborating with) insurance.

14. Is every injury covered?

Not at all. Only a minimum cover, the basic one is assured. For this reason we recommend that you get here with your comprehensive insurance .

15. Without medical certificate, can I participate to competitions?

No! And no exceptions.

16. Will it be possible to get a medical certificate at the World Championships?

No! And no exceptions.

17. What type of medical certificate should I get?

A medical certificate valid for agonistic sport in Karate, All Styles and Kickboxing light contact specialties. Basically the same medical certificate for all Sport activities with the exception of Full Contact Sports (Full Contact, K1, Thai Boxe) and Wrestling for which you need a full contact sport medical certificate.

18. Which are the Full Contact sports?

Full Contact, K1, Thai Boxe and Submission Wrestling. All sports in which K.O. is allowed by the rules.

19. So which type of medical certificate is needed for full contact sports?

You need the same medical certificate needed for boxing competitions for which more analytic exams are obviously required.

No one will be admitted to full contact specialties competitions without such valid certificate.

20. Whatís the deadline for registrations, changes, and for sending applications?

20th October 2009 is the deadline.

You can pay for registrations when you arrive at the complex the 3rd or 4th November.

We recommend however, to send payment prior to your arrival through bank transfer to accelerate the process considerably when you get there.

You would in fact get though the FAST CHECK IN where you just collect your hotel voucher and World Championships passes. Consequently you would get right through the weigh in and medicals and be ready to make your way to the hotel.

21. Deadline for hotel reservations?

10th October 2009 is the deadline. We would like to remind you that in order to participate it is compulsory to make hotel reservation trough the Tournament Promoter. You can find the application and conditions in the website section ìHOTEL ACCOMMODATIONî. Download the file, fill it, sign it and send it by fax.

In order to guarantee the reservation, you must send 50% via bank transfer. As soon as you have sent money trough, send a copy via fax at 0039 0585 240851 or 0039 0585 869306.

You can pay the balance of 50% on your arrival at the complex.

We recommend to pay the full 100% of the dues in advance; see the question number 20.

We remind you that in the hotel are included: breakfast, dinner, free shuttle bus from the hotel to sport hall and form sport hall to hotels every day for all day at every hour, free entrance to the sport hall for the followers.

22. On competitions days, how can we reach the venue? Is there a shuttle bus?

Anybody who is accommodated trough the Organization Committee is entitled to a free shuttle bus to and from the World Championships venue. Shuttle bus timetable are give to the Chief Delegation and also are available at the hotels where you are staying.

23. Is there a charge to get in at the competitions for people staying at the WTKA hotels, who are not coaches or athletes (i.e. parents, friends etc.)?

No, anybody staying at hotels trough the organization Committee, have free passes for World Championships.

24. How much is entrance at World Championships?

15 euros. But if you are accommodated in the hotels offered by the Promoter the entrance is free of charge. Anybody staying at hotels trough the Organization Committee, have free passes for World Championships.

25. What time do the competitions start?

09.00 sharp.

26. What time do the competitions end?

That is a bit difficult to predict. It depends on the exact number of participants. Usually around 20.00 hours. But of course for most athletes will before that time.

27. What time does the Opening ceremony start?

You have to be there at 08.00 hours on Thursday 5th November, in front of entrance number 5 of CARRARAFIERE complex.

Shuttle bus, on this day, will collect participants in time for this unforgettable Opening Ceremony.

28. Where does the Opening Ceremony take place?

It takes place in front of the Sport Hall (“Carrarafiere”) on the town main road, closed to all car traffic in homage to the WTKA World Championships.

29. What happens after the Opening ceremony?

After the Opening Ceremony you are going back to the venue with the coaching staff showing your pass to get in.

30. Are there change rooms at the complex?

Yes, with showers and toilets.

31. Are there restaurants and bars?

Yes, there is a restaurant in the complex and 2 bars.

32. Is there a cash withdrawal machine at the complex?

Yes. It can be used.

33. Are there stands for the general public?

Yes, they can be used by coaches and athletes as well.

34. Are there training areas for athletes?

Yes, equivalent competitions areas: ex full contact competitions area, forms area, karate areas etc.

35. Are the stalls which offer martial arts products?

Yes, there are. The main brands of martial arts products are present at the WTKA World Championships.

36. How do I know where exactly am I going to fight?

On registration day, your Coaches and National Delegations will receive a complete info pack where it will be stated the exact tatami number of every single discipline, specialty and category, plus the timetable (the timetable just gives an idea).

So each tatami has got a number, and to each tatami are referred various competition categories.

For example: tatami 1 ñ Karate Kata category boys 10-12 coloured belts, or tatami 10 ñ Kickboxing Semi Contact category juniors 16-17-18 black belts etc.

Also, by each tatami you will see not just its number, but the ongoing categories, so if you will check the competitions chronological order which has been handed to your Coach you will deduce the timetables of the category you are interested in.

37. What if the Coach is away or not available?

The same info is shown on a public area at the entrance of the building. Also your name will be called on the loudspeaker and by Referees at the entrance of the competition area.

38. Iím worried I will not be able to hear my name being called; what can I do?

Don’t worry. That will not happen. You may control the info pack given to your coach and you know on which tatami you will compete. Then the loud speaker will call you, the Referees will call you. We studied all these systems in order to support you.

39. If I do not hear my call, what happens?

You will be called up to 3 times. After that there is disqualification. Do not worry, itís never happened once before.

40. How many competitions can I take part in?

There are no limits, you can compete in as many as you want.

41. What if 2 or more competitions are at the same time?

No, that doesnít happen. The competitions timetables are studied by experts for that not to happen.

42. What if I am a Kata athlete? Can I have that problem?

No, donít worry, that will not happen.

43. I am a Karate athlete, which fighting competitions can I take part to?

If you do Kumite, you can register to sportive Kumite and Traditional Kumite: Shobu Sanbon and Shobu Ippon. You can also register to Karate Point and to Point Fighting/Semi Contact.

Also, of course, you can take part to whatever else you might want, these are just the closest things to your background. Give a look at All Styles and Kickboxing competitions categories.

44. I am a Karate athlete, which forms competitions can I take part to?

You can register and take part to Traditional Karate Kata, which are divided by styles for Juniors and Seniors black belts (Shotokan, Wado Ryu, Goju Ryu, Shito Ryu, All Other Styles). The Champions of these 5 specialties will compete after in a Grand Final Interstyle which will declare the Kata Gran Champion.

You can also register to competitions of Traditional and/or Free Styles Forms of the All Styles section where athletes from not just Karate but also from other Martial Arts such as Kung Fu, Taekwondo, etc.. will be presents.

These competitions are divided according to well studied criteria such as hard or soft styles, whit or without weapons, with or without music etc.

45. I am a Karate athlete, which other competitions can I take part to?

You can take part to Karate Self Defence competitions, a welcome novelty only at WTKA.

You can prepare a demonstration with a coach, or with one or more (from 2 to 10 competitors total) colleagues, about karate self defence techniques. 3 minutes is the time each team has got to show, 2 to 10 athletes the group. You could also register with the same demonstration to All Styles Traditional Self Defence competitions. Give a look at All Styles competitions categories.

46. Would I not have a disadvantage, as a Karate athlete, in competing in all Styles competitions?

No because there are various categories, you will take part to the ìhard stylesî competitions where you will face athletes with similar characteristics such as Taekwondo, Hungar Kung Fu and all other hard styles. And in the traditional self defence is the same, you will find athletes coming from martial arts hard styles.

47. As a Karate athlete, are there other competitions for me?

Yes, of course. You could take part to Kobudo competitions, to Breaking Techniques competitions, to Iaido.

As for Kobudo, you can also compete in All Styles section Kobudo competitions divided in sections: long or short weapons, traditional or free styles Kobudo forms etc.

The closest to your background would be traditional Kobudo competitions in All Styles sections. But you can register in whatever you like. Give a look at All Styles competitions categories.

48. More competitions?

Yes, there are competitions with weapons ìWeapons fightingî opened to all martial Arts styles, a WTKA innovation. You will fight with rubber weapons, you will choose your weapon before the fight, long or short weapons section (or 1 long weapon or 2 short weapons as you prefer). Rules are very simple: first to touch the opponent, score a point.

At the end the winner is the one who has totalled the most points.

49. Are there new categories being introduce for the Karate sector?

Yes, due to popular demand we have the Traditional Kumite ìShobu Ipponî. And the Kumite mixed Team composed by 2 men and 1 woman!

50. How do I get the rules of the various disciplines? I do not know them.

Easy! You get into our website and you click on the logo you are interested in. For example Karate, then you select rules and you will get all the info you need.

51. I am a Semi Contact/Fight Point athlete. What other competitions can I take part to?

You can compete of course in Semi Contact/Fight Point but also in Karate Point which is similar to Semi Contact/Point Fight: you have to put only the Karate-Gi, by rules, a part from this there are very few little differences between the 2 specialties.

52. I am a Self Defence athlete. Which competitions can I take part?

If you are example Aikido, Ju Jitsu, Karate, Kung Fu, Jeet Kune Do, Ving Tsun, Krav Maga etc. athlete your specific target is Self Defence Competitions which is divided in 3 categories: Street Self Defence, Traditional Self Defence and Scenic Self Defence.

You have 3 minutes of show time in groups of 2 to 10 participants, with a free programme, with weapons or without weapons etc. competing in one or more Self Defence categories as you prefer.

53. Which are the judgment criteria of these 3 categories?

For example in Street Self Defence the criteria are the techniques efficacy, the realism ( a real street situation), the speed of execution etc.

In Traditional Self Defence style criteria are more balance, control, breathing, power etc.

In Scenic Self Defence style criteria are logically, a part of the techniques, the scenic, spectacular and choreographic abilities.

54. How can I get to know rules and regulations better?

Get on website and click on the All Styles logo (yellow) and from there click on Rules.

55. I am a Kung Fu athlete. Which competitions can I take part to?

Surely in all Kung Fu competitions as Fighting, Forms, Tai Chi, Breaking Techniques, Weapons Fighting. But you may find also Forms, Fighting, Weapons Fighting, Semi Contact/Point Fight, Light Contact/Continuos Fighting, Total Light Combat in which you may compete with other Martial Arts stylists. Give a look at All Styles and Kickboxing categories.

56. I am a Taekwondo athlete. Which competitions can I take part to?

You can participate to Taekwondo typical competitions such as Fighting and Forms. But you can also compete in Forms, Weapons Fighting, Semi Contact/Point Fight, Light Contact/Continuos Fighting, Breaking Techniques and Traditional and Scenic Self Defences with other Martial Arts stylists.

Give a look at All Styles and Kickboxing categories.

57. If I get eliminated in the eliminatory competitions of the World Championships, what can I actively do?

You can attend the free of charge Stages.

Also you can attend the Dan Grading Exam with the International Commission composed by Master minimum 6? Dan coming from every part of the world. Some benefits!!!

58. What if I am competing in the World Championships and I also want to attend free Stages and Exams?

No worries, you can do both; there are Stages and Exams every day, so youíll definitely have time for everything.

59. Is it the same for black belt exams?

Yes, no problem. They are scheduled every day so youíll be ok for participating to competitions and undergo exams.

60. Are there other big events at the World Championships?

Yes, there are. The Exhibition Tournament, one of the most famous Forms Tournament all over the world, and Miss Martial Arts! With $ 1000 prize with the most beautiful girls coming from all over the world!

61. Other benefits, in addition to Free Stages and Free Exams?

Yes, free massage and physiotherapy.

62. Are there side shows?

To mention just one, a WTKA novelty: Martial Arts Miss World.

63. Any more new?

To start with 2 new section: Taekwondo and Kung Fu. New competition categories for example in Karate, with the Traditonal Kumite section and Kumite Mixed Team with teams composed by 2 men and 1 woman.

We have due to all this and a massive participants presence, doubled the area of the World Championships for a total of 14.000 square metres and 25 areas!!!

And much moreÖcame and find out!
