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Posted on | April 22, 2009 | No Comments


Editor’s Note: WEC MMA Champion Fighter Matt Brown is a Norwich Alumni who wrestled and FNU Editor Rich Bergeron graduated from Norwich and wrestled briefly during freshman year, though he later switched to boxing.)


The Norwich Wrestling Team’s athletes and alumni have been fighting to save the program since the December 17th 2008 announcement that the university will be eliminating the team as part of cost cutting measures. Since the announcement, many parents, alumni and friends of Norwich Wrestling have come forward to support the program with financial pledge. Even more people have contacted the Norwich Administration and Board of Trustees in an effort to convince them to reconsider their actions.

Unfortunately, for many of you this is the first time you are learning of the crisis faced by the wrestling team. Communication efforts were hampered by the fact that the university had been reluctant to provide any contact information or allow alumni to use established Norwich communication channels.

The financial short fall in the Norwich budget required a cut of $3.6 or $4.1 million (there has been some discrepancies in official communications). Both Wrestling and Tennis teams were eliminated, however, due to the generous donation of a parent; the Tennis team has been reinstated. Staff positions and programs were also eliminated in this process with Student Life/Athletics and Information Technology absorbing the personnel cuts. The university administration has stated that the elimination of the wrestling team is solely due to financial considerations. Friends of Norwich Wrestling believe that the elimination of wrestling team was ill considered for the following financial reasons;

1) The number of athletes on the team is 31 and these students generate $585,000 in revenue for the university. The wrestling team costs approximately $117,000 per season.

2) The cost per sport and cost per student athlete show wrestling to be a low cost sport with high student participation. The breakdown reported to the US Dept. of Education Equity in Athletic Data Analysis by Norwich can be found at for more information.

3) No opportunity was given trim the budget prior to the announcement of the team’s elimination. The program had a very competitive schedule that included the Military Championships, Lycoming National Duals and the majority of matches away. Prior knowledge of the budgetary considerations would have allowed for the scheduling of more home matches as well as reduction or consolidation of the competition schedule.

4) High school wrestling is the fastest growing sport for young men in the country. Without a varsity wrestling program, Norwich is at a disadvantage in recruiting new students.

5) Norwich would also be the only senior military college without a wrestling program.

Another measure that needs to be taken into consideration is the impact on the many people and institutions affected by eliminating the wrestling team. The individual athletes, the parents and families that have long shown a commitment to the sport will now reconsider their commitment to a Norwich education. The institutions that seek out wrestlers such as the Armed Forces, Law Enforcement and US government will now look elsewhere for college graduates that have the unique skills acquired through college wrestling – a combination of academics and athletic competition.

The university administration has heard from many people, in the form of letters, emails and phone calls, the frustration and disappointment of athletes, parents, alumni and members of the New England wrestling conference and the national wrestling community. What Norwich Wrestling has meant to this community is; 139 All New England, 47 Conference Finalists, 21 Conference Champs, 8 All-Americans, 2 National Finalist, 1 National Champ, 15 Scholar All-Americans, 11 Nationally Ranked teams and 1998 Conference Coach year – Coach Hasenfus

National political figures and some of the highest ranking current and former military officers have also contacted the Norwich administration and Board of Trustees explaining why they are upset with the university’s decision. Many people have been out spoken about what they see as a short term financial fix that impacts a college sport that produces men who become leaders in the armed forces. Should wrestling be dropped, Norwich would be the only military college without a competitive wrestling program.

To learn more about Norwich wrestling and the campaign to save the program.

What you can do to help save Norwich Wrestling? Please consider pledging your financial support to the team and communicate with the Norwich administration your concerns regarding their decision to eliminate wrestling program. Attached to this email is a pledge sheet and contact information.

We need to raise $85,000 to save the team for the 2009-2010 season.

The deadline is MAY 1 to receive pledges and all money must be received by the school by SEP 1. Friends of Norwich Wrestling have raised approximately $30,000 with parents contributing $10,000. The team has fundraising plans in place that will earn the program between $20,000 to $25,000 over the summer and early fall.

Norwich Wrestling needs your support now, please contact Coach Rich Hasenfus at 802-249-2679 or until May 1, 2009.
