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UFC 98 Play-by-Play Results

Posted on | May 23, 2009 | No Comments


Rashad Evans Vs. Lyoto Machida

Name: Rashad Evans
Height: 5′ 11″ (180 cm)
Weight: 205 (93 kg)
Record: 18-0-1


Name: Lyoto Machida
Height: 6′ 1″ (185 cm)
Weight: 205 (93 kg)
Record: 14-0-0


Someone’s 0 has got to go.

Lyoto looks sort of like the next generation Royce Gracie. Rashad is is going to be out to prove a great puncher can beat the martial artist out of anyone.

Evans is using a wide open, dancing stance. He’s keeping his distance, defensive boxing. Waiting for Machida to wade in and get clocked. Machida’s smart enough not to, looking for a kick. Lots of pawing jabs and shadowboxing. The crowd is letting them know this sucks. Machda connects with a nice head kick just a bit off target from where it would be a really damaging blow. Rashad is wise to stay so far outside. Rashad lands a hard hook and a nice leg kick. Both guys go toe to toe in the center for a few seconds. Machida knocks Rashad down a few moments later, but it’s a flash. Rashad rolls around a bit and isn’t really dazed. Machida can’t land anything hard enough to truly put his lights out, and Rashad gets up and out of range again in a heartbeat. That was close. That cost Rashad the round for sure.


Rashad is looking for that right, getting the distance with the jab. Lyoto tries to get a TD but fails. He’s still afraid of Machida’s kicks. Both guys trade lightning fast blows, but no real damage is done. Machida is waiting for the right kick. Rashad is waiting for Machida to get too close.Rashad unloads a nice near-miss kick to the head. Rashad tries to get fancy and gets nailed. He’s all over the place. Machida smells the blood in the water and totals him in the span of about 20 seconds of brutal punishment. Rashad ends up crumpled against the cage and hurt bad. He’s struggling just to breathe correctly it seems. Machida uses pure boxing to win, lots of hooks AWESOME KO. Rashad just couldn’t avoid getting cute, and he paid for it. He tried to do a little Peek-a-boo style move and got totally smoked. I am going to be very surprised if Rashad doesn’t have a broken jaw.

AND THE NEW……………..



Matt Hughes Vs. Matt Serra

Name: Matt Hughes
Height: 5′ 9″ (175 cm)
Weight: 170 (77 kg)
Record: 43-7-0


Name: Matt Serra
Height: 5′ 6″ (168 cm)
Weight: 170 (77 kg)
Record: 16-5-0


No more smack talk! It’s go time for Serra vs. Hughes, and it’s about time!! Joe Rogan keeps talking about how good Hughes looks. Maybe they should get a room. Jeez, Joe.

All pawing at first. Serra’s waiting like a snake to strike at the right moment. The crowd is screaming for blood. He rocks Hughes with a few glancing, but solid blows. Hughes is overwhelmed for a few moments but still coherent. Hughes somehow regains full composure and gets into some grappling against the fence. Serra doesn’t appear to be phased by the technique and is resting just as much as Hughes is. They bounce back to the outside.

Serra looks to be the better boxer in the few punches traded, and Hughes goes back to wrestling, scoring a nice take down and going right to side control. Hughes climbs on Serra’s back now. RNC is almost there, but not quite. Hughes lands some hammer fists from behind, more annoying than damaging. Joe calls the Serra bailout. Serra wants to slug on the feet. He’s had enough ground and pound. Serra is the better striker for sure, but if Hughes can manage to out-wrestle him in the next two rounds he can still win. Looks like a headbutt is what first dazed Hughes.

More pawing to start. Serra is pumping the 1-2, but he’s dropping his hands and leading with his head. Serra lands a huge left, but Hughes isn’t phased. Serra keeps slugging. Hughes bulls him against the fence and gets another TD. Serra’s working his BJJ from his back. Hughes is employing the lay and pray. He gets the left hook to the ribs working but nothing much else. Serra is trying to squirm out. No can do. He’s not getting ruined, but he doesn’t look like he’s having fun there on the bottom, either. The crowd is raining boos. Hughes gets in a few nice right hooks to the head. Serra can’t get out. Ref stands them up. Serra tries to tee off like a little Tasmanian Devil.


Serra is out for blood. He has to win this round. He’s in boxing mode early. He’s judging the distance with the jab, but it’s Hughes that lands the first solid punch with a right hand. Hughes gets another TD. Serra gets into a jiu-jitsu pretzel. He lets the foot go and goes back to fighting off his back. Serra gets a triangle almost locked in. Hughes stands out of it. Serra has 2 minutes to turn the tide. Hughes is winning, but the crowd hates the way he’s doing it. Steve Mazzagatti is a cool ref. He stands them up.

Hughes doesn’t want to exchange. Serra has to explode in this last minute. Serra does a judo throw. He’s on top now. He’s got to slug for the fences here. He’s got Hughes up against the cage. Serra looks really beat up with a big mouse under his eye. Great finish. They share a warm hug and Hughes raises Serra’s hand graciously.

DECISION: 29-28 Unanimous Decision FOR MATT HUGHES



Name: Sean Sherk
Height: 5′ 6″ (168 cm)
Weight: 155 (70 kg)
Record: 37-3-1


Name: Frank Edgar
Height: 5′ 6″ (168 cm)
Weight: 155 (70 kg)
Record: 9-1-0


Both fighters start out trading straight punches, nobody landing anything severe early. Sherk’s style looks great. It’s surprising to see him not go for a takedown. Frankie’s starting to land here and there. Both guys are starting to go toe to toe. Edgar’s single leg TD gets stuffed. Sherk’s landing some great 1-2s. Sherk throws a leg kick, and Edgar grabs his foot and takes him down. Edgar gets a guillotine hold for positioning, and then they both pop back up to their feet. Edgar lands a nice right hook. Sherk’s finding his jab and straight right. Sherk keeps landing the right. Both men exchange some vicious blows to end the round.


My Free feed was interrupted! WTF? I Will have to update this fight later.

Final Result: FRANKIE EDGAR def. SEAN SHERK via Unanimous Decision ( 30-27)

Drew McFedries Vs. Xavier Foupa-Pokam

Name: Drew McFedries
Height: 6′ 0″ (183 cm)
Weight: 185 (84 kg)
Record: 7-5-0


Name: Xavier Foupa-Pokam
Height: 6′ 1″ (185 cm)
Weight: 185 (84 kg)
Record: 20-10-0

Xavier Foupa-Pokam
“The Professor X”


McFedries pulls a Seth Petruzelli and unloads all over Fouba-Pokam. :37 seconds in, Drew wins by TKO. Incredible striking and explosive power. He has some major fire in his right hand. UNBELIEVABLE! Great fight.


OK, here’s the fight I totally missed:

CHAEL SONNEN def. Dan Miller via Unanimous Decision ( 30-27)

Krzysztof Soszynski Vs. Andre Gusmao

Name: Krzysztof Soszynski
Height: 6′ 1″ (185 cm)
Weight: 205 (93 kg)
Record: 18-9-1


Name: Andre Gusmao
Height: 6′ 2″ (188 cm)
Weight: 205 (93 kg)
Record: 5-1-0


It’s all on the feet early in Round 1. Lots of good outside boxing, plenty of leg kicks. Gusmao gets clocked in the cup and shakes it off. more leg kicks. Soszynski eventually finds his range and tees off in a sick series of crisp combos. Soszynski gets the piston 1-2s going, and a huge right hand buckles Gusmao immediately…IT’S ALL OVER!!

3:17 Round 1, Soszynski Wins BY KO
