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Posted on | November 14, 2009 | No Comments



Recap of Top 3 Fights by: Rich Bergeron

Randy Couture’s experience and dirty boxing tactics helped him steal a win from Brandon Vera Saturday night in the main event of UFC 105. Vera jumped all over Couture early, but his fatal flaw seemed to be a lack of killer instinct against “The Natural.” Through three rounds, Randy was rocked here and there by Vera but always seemed to recover and get back to an even or dominant position.

Dan Hardy made GSP stand up and take notice, literally. Now it seems a match between the two is imminent as Hardy made Swick use every tool in his arsenal to stay alive through three rounds of intense back and forth. Swick took the brunt of the heavy handed and elbowed attack of Hardy and found the side of his head cut open and his eye swollen badly by the end of the fight. Swick was able to contain Hardy for some time and did have some bright moments, but Hardy was all aggression and had Swick close to the end a few times. Swick tried to be tough and tell everyone it didn’t hurt a few times after getting clocked, but the beaten face of Swick at the end of the fight compared to the relatively unscathed mug of Hardy was all the proof I needed of who won the fight.

Michael Bisping was in another fight of a lifetime that looked like it might end bad in the early going against Denis Kang. The British fans already had to be disappointed seeing the Hometown Hero and TUF Vet James Wilks go down to another TUF Alum in Matt Brown. Bisping looked overmatched and outgunned until he reached down in the second round and found some untapped reserves. With just 36 seconds left in the 2nd round and after a relentless come-from-behind attack, Bisping shocked the crowd and the entire UFC fan base. The TKO caught Kang by surprise, and Bisping’s intensity, dangerous hands and great heart really shined through in the end. Kang took a long time to recover and regain his composure and took some heavy facial damage. Bisping looked at the end as if he shouldn’t even be able to generate the kind of strength he was able to. It almost seemed as if he had nothing left on his punches, but in reality he had just enough, and his adrenaline was “all-in” for the win. Each punch landed with desperation power from the bottom of the barrel. The crowd of course went wild, and rightfully so. It was one of the best fights I’ve watched in a while.

