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Posted on | September 20, 2007 | 2 Comments




Here’s Jack Bratcher’s commentary on the fights that aired tonight on Spike TV’s UFC FIGHT NIGHT:

FIGHT 1 – Nate Quarry is coming back after very serious back surgery. Many people probably enver would have stepped back in the fight game after what he went through with that surgery. nate quarry defeats pete sell with a vicious knockout…….oooh it was ugly

what was crazy is that quarry had been dropped earlier, knocked right to the floor, but recovered and came back to win

by knockout. it was an impressive victory. you could tell quarry had alot of ring rust and took quite a few hard shots but

showed great heart as he stuck it out and came back with the win. 3rd Round KO for Quarry.

FIGHT 2 – Oh my god………Nate Diaz looked SO impressive. Unbelieveably impressive with a first round submission over Junior Assucao with a very interesting guiatine. They locked up almost immediately then Nate tripped Junior to the ground where Nate was looking for a Kimora armlock but couldn’t quite get it….finally they get back to their feet and Nate throws about three or four quick punches that rocks Junior hard…..I’m sorry man I just saw the replay and he threw about six or seven punches VERY fast…..beautiful boxing……I thought he was almost knocked out………but it was enought to take him to the ground where Nate sunk the guiatine to win!! Wonderful performance by Diaz……looking better than I had expected and you can tell this kid is improving by leaps and bounds.

It appears Nate Diaz is sponsored by Ecko Unlimited now. That’s a nice sponsorship to get with for sure.

FIGHT 3 – Chris Leben vs. Terry Martin. First round Leben gets docked 1 point for holding the fence ast Martin picks him up for a slam. Both fighters exchanged punches. Leben ate at least one good one. Chris threw some good knees, leg kicks, and punches and foot stomps. Round 2 Leben using foot stomps. Leben looks in good shape. He’s lving in Hawaii now and looks like a more intelligent fighter. Leben isn’t swinging for the fences anymore and is fighting more methodical and patient. He looks better than we’ve seen him….conserving energy. Marting may be getting a bit tired. Martin has one punch KO power and is 16-2. Basically Martin is just punching with an occasional takedown but once on the ground he doesn’t really do anything and has just let Chris up twice. This is definitely a more mature and seasoned Leben. He’s training people now in Hawaii and that may have helped him alot. Leben goes for a triangle and comes really close. Round ends with Martin in a triangle. Third round….clinch…Martin lands left hook, and a right. Martin throws big right and connects. Leben connects. Both swingin…..martin catches leben’s leg and takes him down. In leben’s gaurd…..both throwing little punches. Martin stands up again….he just keeps letting Chris back to his feet. He wants that KO. Martin looks tired. Leben looking a little tired too. Leben got takedown but Martin reverses and lands on top. Back on the feet. Martin rocks Leben but Leben throws back one two one two and TERRY MARTIN GETS KNOCKED OUT!!! Chris was hurt man…he was wobbly….but comes back with a one two uppercut and Terry Martin is flat on his back. I’m so glad for Leben man he really needed that!!!! Beautiful beautiful finish!!!

FIGHT 4 – Kenny Florian vs. Din Thomas. Round 1 the fighters are kind of feeling each other out not much going on then Din shoots in for a takedown and appears to have blown his knee out because Florian gets on his back and throws about 50 shots to the back and side of his head and the ref just won’t stop it even though Din is doing nothing…….so finally Florian gets him in a rear naked and forces him to tap. Din has to be helped out of the octagon because of the knee. Obviously he blew the knee out and just coudlnt do anything. A crappy finale but at least all the other fights made up for this.


